
Vietnamese Pennywort Mung Bean Drink with Coconut Milk (Rau Má Đậu Xanh Nước Dừa) — Vicky Pham


What is Pennywort?

The pennywort plant, also known as Hydrocotyle Ranunculoides, has flat, round leaves on a single thin stem. The leaves resemble miniature lily pads.

There are two varieties: one with glossy, more rounded leaves, and another with matte leaves that have more serrated edges. I have both in my garden with the glossy variety growing much healthier looking and quicker.

Pennywort Health Benefits

Pennywort supports blood circulation, digestion, and is rich in vitamins B and K, magnesium, and zinc. It can also help with gout, arthritis, and high blood pressure.

Growing Pennywort

If you are interested in growing pennywort, it is quite easy to grow. You can grow from seeds but it’s easiest to propagate by dividing the roots.

Place the roots in soil. They grow well in any type of soil: wet and even my dry soil when I forget to water them for days. They can also grow directly in water.

They grow in full sun, partial sun and full shade.

Much like mint, it spreads out horizontally and can quickly take over your garden once planted.

Because it can grow so easily, it’s considered invasive. I highly recommend to plant them in pots or a contained area.


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